
Discover your self

The road to balanced mental health is guided by clear self-perception, motivation to change and wisdom. Aided by clinical support at Evolution Medicine, you will clarify your goals and develop an achievable wellness plan. Treatment recommendations become clear once a psychiatric evaluation is complete (which may require a few sessions if history is complex or chronic).

Evolution Medicine offers allopathic and integrative care plans, supports reducing poly-pharmacy when appropriate, prescribes conservatively and offers non-pharmacologic options. Other treatment modalities are drawn upon, inviting the body’s intelligence to participate in the healing process.


Integrative Mental Health

Dr Lazarevic's unique training as an integrative and addiction psychiatrist helps her evaluate your mental health concerns through a combined conventional and complementary lens.  Depending on your interest, a treatment plan may include the following:  

  • Aromatic Oils

  • Supplements to support nourishing and supporting the mind and body

  • Nutritional guidance

  • Recommendations regarding physical activity

  • Focus on quality of life, fulfillment, purpose

  • A functional lab evaluation of systems that impact mood and resiliency

  • Mind-body approaches; breath work, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, etc.

Healing Addiction

Addiction is a challenging disorder which often requires a layered approach addressing neurobiologic, behavioral, psychological, social and spiritual needs.  Dr. Lazarevic's unique background incorporates psychiatry with CAM therapies when appropriate.  From moderation to abstinence, she helps you optimize your health keeping one eye on the risk/benefit of treatment, and another eye on subtle or stubborn patterns of addiction that linger years after last use.  

Addictions addressed in treatment include (but are not limited to); alcohol, stimulants, tobacco, ecstasy/molly, opioids, cannabis, sedative-hypnotics, and behavioral addictions (sex, gambling, internet, etc)

At times substance issues are accompanied or proceeded by untreated mood disorders, behavioral addictions, disordered eating, or trauma. No matter the complexity, Dr Lazarevic is skilled to develop a treatment plan to match your needs, which may include certain medicines if appropriate (such as buprenorphine/suboxone, antabuse, campral, naltrexone with the ‘Sinclair Method’, amongst others.)

call 212 924-2871 Monday-Thursday 9am- 5pm